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Comfortable Wearing Dentures

Besides disrupting the process of chewing food and talking, incomplete teeth can also reduce the aesthetics of one's face. But take it easy, these problems can be overcome by using dentures. Interested in filling the void in the mouth with dentures? First read the information below. Dentures are removable dentures. Made from plastic or metal that is specially produced to fit natural teeth and gums, dentures can give a natural appearance effect.

Types of Dentures

There are two types of dentures, namely complete dentures and partial dentures.
  • Complete Dentures

  • This type of denture is used if all of your teeth are gone. There are complete dentures that can be made 'immediately' and installed after your teeth have been removed. Because of its rapid manufacturing, these dentures require longer adjustments in the mouth because the gums and bone under the teeth that have been removed will usually shrink. So usually these teeth are only used as a temporary solution. But there are also those who install must wait two to three months after pulling teeth or after the gum tissue healed. This type is called 'conventional' complete dentures and can be installed to replace the 'immediate' complete dentures.
  • Partial Denture

  • This type can be called a unit denture. You can use these dentures if you only lose one or more teeth. These dentures usually consist of replacement teeth that are attached to a pink plastic base (resembling gums). This tooth is then connected to a metal frame. The framework serves as a hook so that the dentures in the mouth so as not to come loose. Partial dentures can be removed easily.

It's like wearing dentures

The first time you wear dentures you may feel uncomfortable or feel loose teeth. But after a few weeks of use, the muscles in the cheeks and tongue can adapt so you can get used to using it. Sometimes there can also be sores on the walls of the oral cavity due to friction of dentures and the production of saliva that feels a lot, but this will also subside. You may feel insecure when you just use dentures. But you don't need to be inferior because dentures have been specially designed to resemble the natural shape of human teeth and might even be able to beautify your face. At the beginning of use also you might have difficulty doing oral activities such as: Maybe during the first few weeks you will be uncomfortable when eating using dentures. During these adaptation periods, you are advised to eat soft foods with small pieces and chew slowly. If you are getting used to dentures, returning to a normal diet can be done. However, you must be careful when consuming foods that are hard, sharp (such as bones), sticky, or too hot. Also avoid using toothpicks after eating.
  • Talking

  • You might have difficulty saying certain words. But over time and practice, you will begin to get used to speaking well. Your dentures may be able to shift or fall off when you laugh, smile, or cough. During the first few days the dentist may order you to wear dentures for 24 hours every day, including during sleep. This is useful for identifying the parts of your dentures that might need to be repaired to really fit your jaw. After getting the right dentures, you don't need to wear them while sleeping. The dentist will also tell you when you need to remove the dentures and how to put them back together.

    It's like wearing dentures

    The first time you wear dentures you may feel uncomfortable or feel loose teeth. But after a few weeks of use, the muscles in the cheeks and tongue can adapt so you can get used to using it. Sometimes there can also be sores on the walls of the oral cavity due to friction of dentures and the production of saliva that feels a lot, but this will also subside. You may feel insecure when you just use dentures. But you don't need to be inferior because dentures have been specially designed to resemble the natural shape of human teeth and might even be able to beautify your face. At the beginning of use also you might have difficulty doing oral activities such as:
    • Eat

    • Maybe during the first few weeks you will be uncomfortable when eating using dentures. During these adaptation periods, you are advised to eat soft foods with small pieces and chew slowly. If you are getting used to dentures, returning to a normal diet can be done. However, you must be careful when consuming foods that are hard, sharp (such as bones), sticky, or too hot. Also avoid using toothpicks after eating.
    • Talking

    • You might have difficulty saying certain words. But over time and practice, you will begin to get used to speaking well. Your dentures may be able to shift or fall off when you laugh, smile, or cough. During the first few days the dentist may order you to wear dentures for 24 hours every day, including during sleep. This is useful for identifying the parts of your dentures that might need to be repaired to really fit your jaw.
    After getting the right dentures, you don't need to wear them while sleeping. The dentist will also tell you when you need to remove the dentures and how to put them back together.

    Treat Your Dentures Correctly

    Just like natural teeth, dentures must be treated so as not to cause negative effects on your oral health such as bad breath, mouth sores, gum disease, tooth decay, and mouth infections. So that this does not happen, here are tips for caring for your dentures:
    • Soak overnight. Dentures that are not being installed in the mouth must be soaked in a special liquid or warm water. Don't soak it in hot water because it can change its shape. Usually teeth are soaked at night when you are not wearing dentures.
    • Clean dentures. After soaking overnight, you can wash it before you put it in your mouth. You are also advised to wash your dentures after eating to avoid food buildup. The way to clean dentures is to brush their teeth using a soft bristled toothbrush or a special brush. Then spread dentures with soap and warm water. Avoid washing it using toothpaste or detergent because this substance is eroding the surface of dentures.
    • Be careful holding it. If it's detached from your grip, especially when washing it, dentures will break easily. To anticipate that, you can cover the table with a towel or wash it in a container filled with water.
    In addition to caring for dentures, you must also maintain your oral hygiene by cleaning the gums, tongue and palate using a soft bristled toothbrush every morning before wearing dentures and at night after removing them. Use fluoride toothpaste to prevent gum disease, tooth decay and other dental problems. Pay special attention when brushing the parts of the teeth associated with the metal skeleton of the dentures. Plaque trapped in the metal frame will increase the risk of tooth decay. You are also advised to massage and relax your gums regularly and rinse your mouth every day using warm salt water so that the cleanliness of the gums is maintained. Wearing dentures requires more attention. Therefore you should more often visit the dentist according to the instructions given. Routine control to see if your dentures are suitable and still suitable for use or not is important. Usually complete dentures must be replaced after five to seven years of use. In addition, dentists can also immediately find out if there are signs of mouth disease due to the use of dentures. For those of you who use dentures, it is important to visit the dentist regularly. Because, by exercising routine control, you can find out signs of mouth disease due to the use of dentures that might occur. By exercising routine control, the feasibility of the dentures used can also be known so that you can know when the dentures must be replaced immediately. In complete dentures for example, the use of dentures in a period of five to seven years needs to be replaced as soon as possible.


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