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Recommended Breastfeeding Mothers Food

Nursing mothers usually do not need to make changes to the schedule or amount of food nutrition while breastfeeding. But the important thing is, food for nursing mothers must be able to provide adequate nutrition, both for the mother herself and for her baby. Let us examine some basic things related to nutritional needs during the process.

Nutritious Foods Recommended

To meet the needs of mothers and babies, the following foods can be an ideal choice for nursing mothers.
  • Whole wheat and brown rice

  • Carbohydrate needs that can be obtained from rice and bread, of course, must be met. In order to not merely enter carbohydrates, occasionally replace this menu with whole grains that are richer in fiber. Whole grains also have very good benefits for mothers and babies because they are rich in folic acid. You can also mix whole wheat with brown rice to maintain energy levels, such as brown rice can be an alternative because it can provide calories to produce high quality breast milk.
  • Eggs and fish

  • Inadequate dietary protein needs of nursing mothers with meat and eggs. Eggs contain vitamin D which acts as a bone-forming baby. Choose DHA-fortified eggs to get a higher content of essential fatty acids. Get protein through fish consumption, at least two servings a week. Choose fish that is rich in DHA, such as salmon. DHA itself is not only good for the development of the baby's nervous system, but also plays a role in reducing postpartum stress for the mother.
  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables have various micronutrients that play an important role in the development of mother and child. Fiber in fruit and vegetable content is very good for the digestive system of nursing mothers. Constipation as the most common complaint after giving birth can be overcome by consuming enough fruits and vegetables. Make sure the fruits and vegetables that you consume are free of pesticides.
  • Low-fat dairy products

  • Dairy products are an important part of healthy breastfeeding. Milk can increase bone strength because of the content of vitamin D, protein and vitamin B. Good yogurt, milk, cheese, and other fat-ridden milk products are one of the best sources of calcium that can help bone growth in your baby.
In addition, avoid processed foods as much as possible because they are usually high in calories, added sugar and contain unhealthy fats.

Required Level of Nutrition Adequacy

The nutritional needs of nursing mothers are different from women who do not breastfeed. Then the level of nutrition needed is of course also different. As a general description, here are some important things to know.
  • Calorie

  • In general, nursing mothers need 500 more calories than women who don't breastfeed. However, rather than counting the number of calories, it is better to rely only on hunger that often greets you. Counting calories can be different in each individual because the food needs of nursing mothers are strongly influenced by various factors from the condition of breastfeeding mothers themselves. Every nursing mother needs to pay attention to the amount of activity, metabolism, and frequency of breastfeeding.
  • Vitamins and minerals

  • During breastfeeding, you must meet the needs of vitamins and minerals more than usual. This is done to meet the needs of you and your baby at the same time. To get it, make sure the food you consume is varied, balanced, and natural. The energy produced by natural foods can last longer in the body than synthetic foods. Varied foods can also enrich the nutrition of breast milk, while familiarizing the baby when it can be given complementary foods. In addition, you should take prenatal vitamins that are very beneficial for your baby.
  • Body fluids

  • Make sure the body's fluid needs are fulfilled. Drink water regularly without having to wait for thirst first. If your urine is dark yellow, add a portion of your drinking water. Although the amount of water intake does not affect the supply of milk for your baby, the effort to get enough fluids is very important during breastfeeding. Please remember that when you breastfeed, the body releases the hormone oxytocin which will speed up the emergence of thirst.

Beware of These Foods because They Must Be Avoided

Nursing mothers must also pay attention to some food substances that have the potential to interfere with the health of the mother and child. Some of which must be avoided are:
  • Alcoholic drinks

  • The alcohol in the drink will also be consumed by the baby through breast milk. It's best to stop drinking alcohol. The substance of alcohol from a can of beer can last in the body for about 2-3 hours. This means you run the risk of delivering alcohol to your baby through breastfeeding during these periods.
  • Caffeine

  • Excessive caffeine consumption is also not recommended during breastfeeding. Don't consume more than 3 cups of coffee a day. The high caffeine content in milk can interfere with the baby's digestive system. Caffeine is found in chocolate, soft drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Fish exposed to mercury

  • Although fish are rich in protein, avoid some fish that are at risk of being contaminated with mercury. Some types of fish exposed to mercury are sharks, mackerel, swordfish, and snapper.
Besides food, the thing that also needs to be avoided is smoking. Smoking around a baby can increase the risk for several conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and ear infections. In addition, smoking can also reduce the quantity of milk produced. After knowing what breastfeeding mothers recommended and which should be avoided, you can be more comfortable and safe in the process of breastfeeding.


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