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Pregnant Women Drink Coffee, Safe or Dangerous

Pregnant women drink coffee should pay attention to the amount every day. Coffee can cause adverse effects on pregnant women and fetuses, if taken excessively. Actually not only coffee intake that needs to be limited by pregnant women, but also other foods and drinks that contain caffeine. Examples of foods or drinks containing caffeine, namely chocolate, soft drinks and tea. In addition, caffeine is also usually added to cold medicines and energy drinks. Pay attention to whatever you consume and read information about the contents listed on the packaging.

Risks of Drinking Coffee in Pregnant Women

Generally, drinking too much coffee can cause symptoms of anxiety, addiction, insomnia, fast heart beat, indigestion, high blood pressure, frequent urination, migraine and tremor. In addition, the caffeine in coffee can penetrate the placenta of pregnant women and can have an impact on the unborn baby. Some risks of drinking coffee in pregnant women and fetuses, including:
  • Pregnant women experience gastric acid reflux
  • Anemia
  • Miscarriage
  • Babies born with a low weight
  • Baby born

What is the Ideal Size for Pregnant Women?

The maximum limit of caffeine consumption for pregnant women in a day is 200 mg or about two cups of instant coffee. For that, pay attention to the caffeine content in tea, coffee, chocolate and other foods that are listed on the packaging label. Do not let caffeine consumption exceed the tolerance limit in pregnant women. The following are common amounts of caffeine in food and drinks:
  • 60-200 mg of caffeine in one cup of brewed coffee.
  • 140 mg of caffeine in one cup of filtered coffee.
  • 100 mg of caffeine in one cup of instant coffee.
  • 40 mg of caffeine in a bottle of soda.
  • 75 mg of caffeine in one cup of tea.
  • 25-50 mg of caffeine in 50 g of chocolate.
If you have a habit of consuming more than two cups of coffee per day before becoming pregnant, you should reduce coffee consumption slowly since early pregnancy. To replace the habit of pregnant women drinking coffee, try to consume healthy, refreshing drinks such as various fruit juices, vegetable juices, coconut water, or infused water. If necessary, ask your doctor to find out the amount of coffee that is allowed, according to the conditions of your pregnancy.


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