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9-Month Baby, Can Respond and Socialize

A 9-month-old baby can understand your words better and be able to try to respond with words as well. A 9-month-old baby girl generally weighs 6.6-10.4 kg with a length of 65.6-74.7 cm. While baby boys weigh 7.2-10.9 kg with a length of 67.7-76.2 cm. As his consciousness develops, he will react when he is in certain situations that were not previously a problem for him, such as the room lights being turned off or crying when you go to work. The good news is that 9-month-old babies generally won't cry for a long time because their attention can be easily diverted.

Motor Ability

In general, 9-month-old babies need a room that is spacious and safe to move, such as crawling, standing, and exploring the surroundings. This is because he can already do various things, such as:
  • Can remove objects from the toy box. He will love to move his colorful toys from one place to another. You can also be his playmate, like by rolling the ball on you repeatedly.
  • After learning to stand by holding on, he will learn to bend his knees to sit from a standing position.
  • 9-month babies can move objects from one hand to the other with flexibility.
  • Can already point to objects with his index finger.
  • At 9 months your baby can crawl very actively.
  • He can even hold the toy with one left hand and crawl with both knees and right hand.
  • Some 9-month babies can crawl up and down stairs easily.
  • 9-month-old babies can switch positions quickly, starting from a sitting position, crawling, then turning to pick up toys.
  • He can explore the room by walking slowly while holding on to the sofa or table around the room. If your toddler wears socks, be sure to choose socks with rubber pads that won't put him at risk of falling due to slipperiness.
  • He will try to reach various objects and pay attention to how one object works with another object, such as an open water tap or how to hold a cellphone that makes a sound.
  • Can lift something with the thumb and forefinger. Can also put objects in the mouth.
  • Can sit without the help of others.
Because it can move anywhere, you can keep various objects that are at risk of being out of reach, such as a baby crib that is not in accordance with its movements. So it is best to make sure the bed does not endanger him.

Speech Ability

He can better understand your words and can try to respond also with words. For example when you ask, "What's that noise?", He can point to a telephone that is ringing. Likewise when you ask, "Where is the ball?" He can point to the object in question. On the other hand, he understands your prohibition and the word 'no', although he still violates it. Even though you are only 9 months old, you can already implement simple rules, such as 'don't slam toys' or 'wash your hands before eating' to get him to distinguish between good and bad. In addition, he can say longer words, like 'daddy', 'baba-baba', or say a word correctly. He can also mimic the sounds and movements of those around him.

Social Ability

At this age, babies are at the cusp of discomfort when they are not with their parents or closest people. This condition makes recreation with the baby less troublesome because he needs to continually adjust to meeting new people and atmosphere. Prepare a picture book, hand puppet, or toy that can sound to distract when he is uncomfortable. But some other 9-month babies can feel happy to be the center of attention and make people around them laugh. He can make sounds or movements that can attract attention and invite laughter. When eating, he might be happy to share or give food to others. By accepting it, you will make him happy.

Other Things to Look For

In addition to his developed motor and social abilities, 9-month-old babies generally have the following awareness and memories:
  • He can already remember specific things, such as where the toys are stored.
  • He can mimic the things he sees, even something that happened a week before, such as remembering how to play an object. This shows that his short-term memory has started working. While the new long-term memory will develop after the baby is 2 years and over.
  • He began to realize the items that belonged to him, so that he would react when someone took his goods.
  • Sucking is a way for babies to calm themselves. You can give him a pacifier or pacifier to calm him down.

Conditions that require consulting a doctor

Each child's development is unique. Babies born prematurely generally develop more slowly than children their age. But you can check it if at the age of one year he still can't stand holding on, at 18 months still can't walk, and at 2 years old still can't walk in balance. At the age of 9 months you are advised to consult a doctor if he:
  • Can't sit with help.
  • Did not respond when his name was called.
  • Can not stand and support their own body weight while holding or without help.
  • No talking.
  • Do not recognize family members or people who are with him every day.
  • Do not pay attention to the direction you are pointing.
  • Unable to move objects from one hand to another.
  • Can't play with other people.
In addition, at the age of 9 months neural connections in the baby's brain are rapidly connected. You can continue to support it with good stimulation, so the baby can learn faster and know more. Stimulation does not need to be done with expensive objects or activities. Daily activities, such as singing, dancing, reading, talking, and the baby's interaction with other people have become sufficient stimulation to support its development.


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